Monday, March 8, 2010

My sweet Alex

So many emotions are running through my mind and heart right now. I am going to try and get them out. Last week you started not feeling well and we just thought it was a little bug, little did we know that we would end up in the hospital with you. How my heart aches to see you in so much pain and misery. If I could I would take it away in a minute and take your place. If only... When you woke up Wednesday morning in so much pain and the Doctors did not know what to think or do, I just knew something was not right. You were in such agony. It took another day for them to finally decide it would be best for you to be in the hospital. As hard as that was for us we knew you would be well taken care of and this is where you needed to be. Fast forward to today, we thought you were going to get to come home. You were getting better. You weren't running a fever anymore, you were perking up a little and you even painted a picture in the kid zone yesterday. We were so ready to go home and see your brothers and get back to normal. But you woke up in misery again. The doctors were concerned again and decided to have the surgeon look at your back. We decided on surgery and off you went. It was so hard for me to watch them take you away but I knew you were in good hands. Heavenly Father was watching over you. You have so many people who love you and are praying for you.
Alex, your sweet big brother Andrew fasted for you yesterday and did not want to end his fast because he was so worried about you. He loves you, we love you, so many people love you and we want you to get better and get back to your happy, strong willed, self.
You are a special spirit sent here to us and you have so much to teach us still. You have taught me a great deal in the last few days. I love you my sweet, sweet, baby boy. Mommy loves you so much. Hurry and get better so we can go home and play.
Love you bunches

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